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Quinta das Cruzes Museum


#Funchal #Museum of Sugar #Sacred Art Museum #Quinta das Cruzes Museum
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour
The Madeira Museums Tour


We will do this cultural tour around the most important museums of Madeira in Funchal city.
We will visit the Museum of Sugar, the first big economic of Madeira, after the portuguese settlement in the island in the 15th century. The collection of the excavation helps to understand the daily life of the City between the end of the 15th century and the mid-17th century.
Continuing our cultural tour we will visit the Sacred Art Museum, where it holds old religious relics from Two main groups stand out, Flemish Art, with Painting, Sculpture and Goldsmithing, dated between the end of the 15th century and the first years of the 16th century and Portuguese Art, between the 15th and 18th centuries.
Then too we visit Quinta das Cruzes, today is harmonized by great works carried out in the 18th and 19th century. linked to the family of the first donating captains, who carried out works at the end of the 15th century, beginning of the 16th century. Of the ensemble, the collection of furniture and other objects of European art, especially English, stands out as a consequence of the strong presence of this community linked to the Madeira Wine trade.